Highway Framework  Release
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCHighway.Data.EntityFramework.Castle.CastleBootstrapCastle specific bootstrap for installing types needed for usage to the current container
oCHighway.Data.DropCreateInitializer< T >**** FOR DEVELOPMENT USAGE ONLY **** **** DO NOT PUT THIS IN PRODUCTION CODE **** This class will clear the existing connections to the database and drop the database
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IAsyncCommandAn Interface for Command Queries that return no value, or the return is ignored
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IAsyncRepositoryThe interface used to interact with the ORM Specific Implementations
|\CHighway.Data.AsyncRepositoryA Repository that implements a default Task based Async Pattern
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IAsyncScalar< T >An Interface for Scalar Queries that return a single value or object
|\CHighway.Data.QueryObjects.AsyncScalar< T >
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IAuditableEntityThe interface to implement when using with the default Auditable Interceptor to specify an Auditable Entity
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.ICommandAn Interface for Command Queries that return no value, or the return is ignored
oCHighway.Data.IContextConfigurationImplement this interface to pass the context specific mapping to the constructor
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IDataContextThe standard interface used to interact with an ORM specific implementation
|\CHighway.Data.Interfaces.IObservableDataContextThe interface used to surface events from a context that supports interceptors
| oCHighway.Data.DataContextA base implementation of the Code First Data DataContext for Entity Framework
| \CHighway.Data.ObjectDataContextThe default implementation of a Object context for the database first approach to Entity Framework
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IEventManagerThe interface used to interact with the Event manager implementation for registration of Interceptors
|\CHighway.Data.EventManagement.EventManagerThe base implementation of the Event manager for registration of Interceptors, and execution of them in an ordered fashion
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IExtendableQueryThis interface is used to allow for extension of prebuilt queries
|\CHighway.Data.QueryObjects.QueryBaseThe base query that allows for appending expressions, query extensions, and eventing
| oCHighway.Data.QueryObjects.Command
| oCHighway.Data.QueryObjects.Query< T >The base implementation for Queries that return collections
| |\CHighway.Data.EntityFramework.StructureMap.Example.Queries.LastNameQuery
| oCHighway.Data.QueryObjects.Scalar< T >Base implementation of a query that returns a single value or object
| \CHighway.Data.QueryObjects.Query-g< Person >
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IInterceptor< in T >The standard interface for intercept
|\CHighway.Data.Interceptors.AuditableInterceptorAn interceptor that operates pre-save to add audit information to the records being committed that implement the Highway.Data.Interfaces.IAuditableEntity interface
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IInterceptor-g< PreSaveEventArgs >
oCHighway.Data.IMappingConfigurationImplement this interface to pass the mappings in via constructor injection on the context.
oCHighway.Data.Interceptors.InterceptorResultResults from any interceptor operation that gives a flag to tell the event manager to proceed to the next priority in line or not.
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IObservableQueryThe interface used to surface events for queries that support interceptors
|\CHighway.Data.QueryObjects.QueryBaseThe base query that allows for appending expressions, query extensions, and eventing
|\CHighway.Data.QueryObjects.Query-g< Person >
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IQueryBaseThe base interface that surfaces SQL output of the Query statement
|oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IAsyncQuery< T >An Interface for Queries that return tasks of collections
||\CHighway.Data.QueryObjects.AsyncQuery< T >
|oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IQuery< out T >An Interface for Queries that return collections
||\CHighway.Data.QueryObjects.Query< T >The base implementation for Queries that return collections
|\CHighway.Data.Interfaces.IQuery-g< T >
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IRepositoryThe interface used to interact with the ORM Specific Implementations
|\CHighway.Data.RepositoryA Entity Framework Specific repository implementation that uses Specification pattern to execute Queries in a controlled fashion.
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IScalar< out T >An Interface for Scalar Queries that return a single value or object
|\CHighway.Data.QueryObjects.Scalar< T >Base implementation of a query that returns a single value or object
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IScalar-g< T >
oCHighway.Data.Interfaces.IUserNameServiceThis gives a standard interface for the user name service, Which is leveraged by the PreSave interceptors to supply user names for audit tagging on entities.
|\CHighway.Data.Services.DefaultUserNameServiceStub implementation of the User Name service to supply example names for Auditable interceptor.
oCHighway.Data.Interceptors.Events.PostQueryEventArgsThe Event Arguments for a post query execution Interceptor to use
oCHighway.Data.Interceptors.Events.PostSaveEventArgsThe Event Arguments for a Post-Save Interceptor to use
oCHighway.Data.Interceptors.Events.PreQueryEventArgsThe Event Arguments for a Pre-Query execution Interceptor to use
oCHighway.Data.Interceptors.Events.PreSaveEventArgsThe Event Arguments for a Pre-Save Interceptor to use