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Highway.Data.QueryObjects.Scalar< T > Class Template Reference

Base implementation of a query that returns a single value or object More...

Inheritance diagram for Highway.Data.QueryObjects.Scalar< T >:
Highway.Data.QueryObjects.QueryBase Highway.Data.Interfaces.IScalar< out T > Highway.Data.Interfaces.IExtendableQuery Highway.Data.Interfaces.IObservableQuery

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Execute (IDataContext context)
 Executes the expression against the passed in context
- Public Member Functions inherited from Highway.Data.QueryObjects.QueryBase
void AddMethodExpression (string methodName, Type[] generics, Expression[] parameters)
 Adds a method to the expression in the query object


Func< IDataContext, T > ContextQuery [get, set]
 The query to be executed later
- Properties inherited from Highway.Data.QueryObjects.QueryBase
IDataContext Context [get, set]
 The reference to the IDataContext that gives data connection

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Highway.Data.QueryObjects.QueryBase
void CheckContextAndQuery (object query)
 Checks the context and the Query for null
- Protected Attributes inherited from Highway.Data.QueryObjects.QueryBase
List< Tuple< MethodInfo,
Expression[]> > 
ExpressionList = new List<Tuple<MethodInfo, Expression[]>>()
 Holds the expressions to be appended
- Events inherited from Highway.Data.QueryObjects.QueryBase
EventHandler< PreQueryEventArgsPreQuery
 The event fired just before the query goes to the database
EventHandler< PostQueryEventArgsPostQuery
 The event fire just after the data is translated into objects but before the data is returned.
- Events inherited from Highway.Data.Interfaces.IObservableQuery

Detailed Description

Base implementation of a query that returns a single value or object

Template Parameters:
TThe type of object or value being returned

Member Function Documentation

template<T >
T Highway.Data.QueryObjects.Scalar< T >.Execute ( IDataContext  context)

Executes the expression against the passed in context

contextThe data context that the scalar query is executed against
The instance of T that the query materialized if any

Implements Highway.Data.Interfaces.IScalar< out T >.

Property Documentation

template<T >
Func<IDataContext, T> Highway.Data.QueryObjects.Scalar< T >.ContextQuery

The query to be executed later

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