Highway Framework  Release
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
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Namespaces | Classes
Package Highway.Data


package  EntityFramework
package  EventManagement
package  Interceptors
package  Interfaces
package  QueryObjects
package  Services


class  EnumerableExtensions
 Extensions to make dealing with enumerable collections easier
class  DataContext
 A base implementation of the Code First Data DataContext for Entity Framework More...
class  ObjectDataContext
 The default implementation of a Object context for the database first approach to Entity Framework More...
class  DropCreateInitializer
 **** FOR DEVELOPMENT USAGE ONLY **** **** DO NOT PUT THIS IN PRODUCTION CODE **** This class will clear the existing connections to the database and drop the database More...
interface  IContextConfiguration
 Implement this interface to pass the context specific mapping to the constructor More...
interface  IMappingConfiguration
 Implement this interface to pass the mappings in via constructor injection on the context. More...
class  AsyncRepository
 A Repository that implements a default Task based Async Pattern More...
class  Repository
 A Entity Framework Specific repository implementation that uses Specification pattern to execute Queries in a controlled fashion. More...