Easy RESTful ApiControllers

Using the Domain concepts and Prebuilt Queries of Highway.Data, we have included a basic RESTful base class for your ApiControllers. This feature is very easy to use, simply inherit from BaseRestApiController. That base class has two constructor requirements:

  1. IDomainRepositoryFactory this class comes from Highway.Data and is already registered with our IoC.
  2. RestfulOperations this is a FLAGS enumeration that lets you control how the base class behaves.

An implementation controller would look like this:

public class DriverController : BaseRestApiController<Domain, Driver, Guid>
	public DriverController(IDomainRepositoryFactory factory) :
		base(factory, RestfulOperations.All) { }

	public override CopyEntityValues(Driver source, Driver destination)
		// copy values from one instance to another here.

This class would support all five of our pre-built functions, because it passed RestfulOperations.All, these are:

  • GetAll - This is the default get with no id and returns ALL Drivers
  • GetOne - This returns one driver, by id
  • Put - Accepts a PUT verb and updates a singular Driver. Uses CopyEntityValues above to control what can be updated.
  • Delete - Deletes a Driver by id
  • Post - Accepts a POST verb and inserts a singular Driver.

Importantly this enums is FLAGS based, and as such the values can be OR’ed together. For instance, if you wanted to just support GetOne and Post you could change the line above to:

	public DriverController(IDomainRepositoryFactory factory) :
		base(factory, RestfulOperations.GetOne | RestfulOperations.Post) { }

There are some logical pre-built combinations already supported in the enum, which is defined as follows:

        public enum RestOperations
            GetAll = 1,
            GetOne = 2,
            Post = 4,
            Put = 8,
            Delete = 16,
            ReadOnly = 3,
            WriteOnly = 28,
            All = 31
