What should I register with my IoC container?

If you are going to use an IoC container, regardless of which one, here is what needs to be registered, and some thoughts about object lifetime. If we do not specify a lifetime, you can assume that singleton is acceptable.


  • IRepository should resolve to Repository on either a transient (new every request) or per web request (if you’re in a website) object lifetime.
  • IEventManager should resolve to EventManager
  • ILog should resolve to either a Common.Logging implementation for your chosen logger, or an instance of NoOpLogger from Common.Logging.


  • IDataContext should resolve to DataContext on either a transient (new every request).
    • Your IoC will need to inject a connection string, named connectionString to the constructor, in whatever way such primitive dependencies are handled by your container.
  • IMappingConfiguration should resolve to a type you have created that implements this interface and maps all of your entities.
  • IContextConfiguration should resolve to DefaultContextConfiguration or a class you’ve created should you need to change how the Context is configured from our defaults.


  • IDataContext should resolve to DataContext on either a transient (new every request).
  • ISession should resolve to a call to your configured ISessionFactory. These are standard NHibernate interfaces, and you should follow their guidance regarding object lifetime.


  • IDataContext should resolve to DataContext on either a transient (new every request).
  • IDocumentSession should resolve to a call to your configured IDocumentStore. These are standard RavenDb interfaces, and you should follow their guidance regarding object lifetime.
