Configuring Highway.Data

If you are using Highway.Data it is probably in conjunction with another underlying technology, so we have broken this guidance into several parts. Please feel free to jump to the part that pertains to you.

Entity Framework



#EntityFramework ##Getting Started The first step to getting Highway.Data running on Entity Framework is to install both Entity Framework and Highway.Data.EntityFramework with the below command.

Install-Package Highway.Data.EntityFramework

This will bring the install down and put it in our project.

Example Domain

In all of the examples below, we’ll be working with the following business domain, from our Driver’s Education company:

public class Instructor
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public ICollection<Driver> Drivers { get; set; }

public class Driver
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public Car Car { get; set; }

public class Car
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Make { get; set; }
    public string Model { get; set; }
    public string Year { get; set; }

##Database to Entity Mappings Now we need to create our database mappings. Highway.Data doesn’t redefine the mapping syntax, it just makes them injectable into the DataContext. To do this we defined an interface IMappingConfiguration for you to implement that will allow us to inject your domain into a pre-built DataContext. The best practice is to name this class after the aggregate root in your domain, so ours is DriverExams

public class DriversExams : IMappingConfiguration
    public void ConfigureModelBuilder(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<Driver>(); //This is the inline/fluent config

        modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new DriverMap()); //This is the class based config

public class DriverMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Driver>
    public DriverMap()
		//You can do anything here that EF supports

That is all it takes to get our Database schema mapped to our entities. As an aside, EF powertools will reference engineer the EntityTypeConfiguration<T> classes for you, and then you can just add them to your IMappingConfiguration

##Context Level Configuration We setup a DefaultContextConfiguration by default, but if you disagree with our opinions about lazy loading etc.. you can change that. You just need to implement a class for IContextConfiguration like below.

public class DefaultContextConfiguration : IContextConfiguration
    public void ConfigureContext(DbContext context)
        context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
        context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
		//Here you can do any context level configuration changes that EF supports

This will let you change fundemental behavior of the context.

##Logging Configuration

Then you need to send in a logger, but those details are covered in our Logging Post because it is not Entity Framework specific.

##Using it all Last but not least we need to use our configured pieces like so:

var context = new DataContext("Your connection string here", new DriversExams(), new DefaultContextConfiguration(), new NoOpLogger());

We normally do this via our favorite IoC Container, but alas that is another guide.

#NHibernate Highway.Data is very easy to configure with NHibernate, because we take in an ISession on Constructor for DataContext.

##Getting Started The first step to getting Highway.Data running on NHibernate is to install both NHibernate and Highway.Data with the below command.

Install-Package Highway.Data.NHibernate

This will bring the install down and put it in our project.

Everything else is out of the box NHibernate, isn’t it great!!


var nhibernateConfiguration = new Configuration().Configure();

var model = AutoMap.AssemblyOf<Driver>()
    .Where(type => typeof (Driver).IsAssignableFrom(type))

var factory = Fluently.Configure(nhibernateConfiguration).Mappings(mappingConfiguration => mappingConfiguration.AutoMappings.Add(model)).BuildSessionFactory();

var context = new DataContext(factory.OpenSession());

#RavenDB Highway.Data is very easy to configure with RavenDB, because we take in an IDocumentSession on Constructor for DataContext.

##Getting Started The first step to getting Highway.Data running on RavenDB is to install both RavenDB and Highway.Data with the below command.

Install-Package Highway.Data.RavenDb

This will bring the install down and put it in our project.

Everything else is out of the box RavenDB, isn’t it great!!


var embeddableDocumentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore()
    DataDirectory = "",
    RunInMemory = true

var context = new DataContext(embeddableDocumentStore.OpenSession());
