WebActivator for Composable Startup

The first and most important piece our OnRamp is the use of WebActivator to allow us to declare classes that will run either just before or just after the App_Start event of your ASP.NET application, or when your application shuts down. This is accomplished using an assembly level attribute, pointing to a particular static class and method.

Consider the following class declaration from our IoC.cs file:

[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Templates.App_Start.IoC), "Startup")]
namespace Templates.App_Start
    public static class IoC
        public static void Startup()
          // Details here described in the next featureā€¦

Note how we declare the PreApplicationStartMethod, and point to the type of Templates.App_Start.IoC and then the "Startup" string lets it know which method to run. This results in our IoC.Startup() method being called before App_Start.

Just as there is PreApplicationStartMethod, there is also PostApplicationStartMethod and ApplicationShutdownMethod, both of which are used in our Logging wire up which will be discussed later.
